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Fiber Amplifier
nanosecond/picosecond Tunable Fiber Laser

Spec Sheet

900nm-Band Fiber Amplifier: λ-Nova 920
nano/pico-second Tunable Laser: λ-Nova Narrow
nano/pico-second Tunable Light Source: λ-Nova Light

Product Summary

Spectra Quest lab's 900 nm fiber amplifier "λ-Nova 920" combines an Nd-doped fiber amplifier with a highly efficient and broadband wavelength tunable bandpass filter in multiple stages to realize an optical amplifier capable of amplification from 890nm to 930nm by suppressing the transmission of ASE light other than the set wavelength to the next stage, including ASE light at 1064nm. With an average output power of up to 200 mW and a small-signal gain of over 30 dB, it can easily produce a peak output power of over 100 W by inputting nanosecond or picosecond pulses. Also, by changing the Nd-doped fiber to Yb-doped fiber, it is possible to configure a broadband fiber amplifier that can amplify at 975nm-1090nm.

By combining our CW wavelength tunable laser and pulsed SOA as seed light for the above fiber amplifier, it is possible to configure a pulsed tunable fiber laser: "λ-Nova Narrow" that can generate Fourier-limited pulses in excess of 100W.
For applications that do not require a narrow linewidth laser, a 100W pulsed tunable light source can be more easily (and at lower cost) constructed by using a pulsed ASE light of SOA as a seed light: "λ-Nova Light".
Both can output pulse widths of 1-10 ns and support repetition rates from single shot to 100 MHz on pulse on demand. External synchronization is easily achieved with electrical trigger input/output.
An optional built-in pulse picker is available for 22, 50, and 100 ps pulses.

Configuration and Data

900nm-Band Fiber Amplifier: λ-Nova 920

ps/ns Tunable Laser: λ-Nova Narrow

ps/ns Tunable Light Source: λ-Nova Light


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