Spectra Quest Lab


info@ mail

What's New

Jul. 31, 2024
NEWThe English version of the website has been updated.
Jul. 01, 2024
NEWExhibit at interOpto2024 Laser Science and Technology Fair in Pacifico Yokohama, October 29-31, 2024.
Jun. 19, 2024
A detailed explanation was added to the λ-Master page.
Apr. 17, 2024
Our 900nm Fiber Amplifier Laser: λ-Nova won the Excellence Award at the 36th Small and Medium Business Excellence Awards for New Technology and New Products.
Apr. 01, 2024
Our CEO, Mr. Muro, has been invited as a lecturer at the 86th RAP Seminar to be held at RIKEN Photonics Research Center on April 19, 2024.
Feb. 01, 2024
We shall exhibit at JSAP EXPO Spring 2024 to be held at Tokyo City University on March 22(Fri.)-25(Mon.), 2024.

Product List

Narrow Linewidth Tunable Laser

We offer tunable lasers providing mode-hop-free tuning over nearly the entire tunable range wider than 100 nm while suppressing ASE noise (SMSR > 80dB) and delivering high PM fiber output power at any wavelength model. Available from 880 nm to 1680 nm. The high precision model λ-Master is suitable for laboratory use and has a data acquisition function that is synchronized with wavelength tuning. The high scan rate model: λ-Rapid achieves scan rates of up to 600 nm/s, making it suitable for frequency domain measurements such as OFDR. It is compact and can be installed in instruments. λ-Lock is a manual tuning model. All models have an analog wavelength tuning function using PZT and LD current modulation function (bandwidth: 5 MHz).
In addition to the above, we have a lineup of visible wavelength tunable lasers that use these lasers, a 1W-class broadband optical amplifier, and a wavelength conversion device that integrates 24 rows of SHG elements with different periods.

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Pulsed Tunable Laser

We offer nanosecond/picosecond tunable lasers and light sources in the 900-nm band and 1-μm band.

The tunable laser uses a CW narrow linewidth tunable laser as a seed source, and after nanosecond pulse generation with a pulsed SOA, the ns pulse is further amplified with a fiber amplifier to obtain a Fourier-limited linewidth pulse.

The tunable light source is a system in which broadband ASE light from a pulsed SOA is selected with a spectral width of 0.2 nm by a tunable filter and amplified by a fiber amplifier, making it cost-effective and simple configuration.

Both can output pulse widths of 1–10 ns and support repetition rates from single shot to 100 MHz on pulse on demand. External synchronization is easily achieved with electrical trigger input/output. Optionally, a picosecond pulse output can be obtained by passing a pulse shaper consisting of an LiNbO3 modulator and an electric pulse generator before the fiber amplifier input.

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Light Source

We offer ASE light sources in the 950-nm and 1040-nm bands. They have a very low gain ripple of typically 0.03 dB (RMS) and relatively flat spectral characteristics with a 3 dB bandwidth above 50 nm; PM-fiber coupled output power is 100 mW (typ.) and have come as turnkey bench-top packages.
A current modulation port with 1 MHz bandwidth is provided for high-speed modulation.

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We offer 1-W class wide band semiconductor optical amplifiers in the 900-nm and 1-μm band. The SOAs are capable of efficient coupling to PM fiber. Unlike tapered amplifiers, its SOA has extremely low wavelength and LD current dependence of coupling efficiency to PM fiber, making it suitable for applications involving wavelength tuning of input light and LD modulation. In addition, its pulse current driver can easily generate nanosecond pulses.

We also offer fiber amplifiers in the 900-nm band (890–930 nm) with an average power of 20 dBm and peak power of over 100 W. In addition, in the 1-μm band, we also offer broadband fiber amplifiers for 975 nm – 1090 nm. By combining a fiber amplifier section and a highly efficient, broadband tunable filter in multiple stages, transmission of ASE light other than the set wavelength to the next stage is suppressed, realizing a fiber amplifier with an unprecedentedly broad amplification bandwidth.

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Tunable Optical Filter

The tunable bandpass filter offered by Spectra Quest Lab is an ideal filter with low loss (<3 dB), wide bandwidth (100 nm), and narrow linewidth (min. 0.03 nm) due to its unique optical structure. Input and output are via PM fibers. Wavelength tuning is done manually (adjustment by micrometer head) or automatically (adjustment by stepping motor). Different wavelength ranges are available: 870–960, 920–1020, 980–1080, and 1010–1110 nm.

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Introduction (PDF File)

Company overview

Address 408 Chiba-Univ. Inohana Inovation Plaza
1-8-15 Inohana, Chuou-ku
Chiba-shi, Chiba, 260-0856
President & CEO Kiyofumi MURO
Capital 9 million yen
Foundation Date April. 1, 2013
Num. of Employees 5 (Apr. 4, 2024)
Main Banks Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp., The Chiba Bank, Ltd., MUFG Bank, Ltd. Chiba Shinkin Bank.

Company Policy

Contribution to the advancement of science and technology

We provide advanced tunable diode lasers that lead the progress of material science , life science ,and open the new era of medical care, telecommunication and industrial measurements.

Fostering human resources conducive to innovation

We promote new innovation and entrepreneur-ship through the co-works with universities and research institutes.


CEO Message

We contribute the future of spectroscopy through the development of advanced tunable diode lasers.

CEO Name

Kiyofumi Muro

Kiyofumi MURO

Educational Background

Doctor Course of Fundamental Enginering, Osaka University ( PhD of Engineering, 1976 Osaka Univ.


1975 - 1987
Assistant Professor, Material Science, Faculty of Fundamental Engineering, Osaka Universiy
Terahertz spectroscopy of semiconductor
1985 - 1986
Post Doc. Researcher: Labortory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University.
NIR high resolution spectroscopy of semiconductor
1987 - 2001
Group/Team Leader: Mitsui-Chemicals, Inc. Development of high power diode lasers
2001 - 2003
Senior Researcher: BinOputics Corp. (Ithaca, N.Y. U SA)
Development of integrted semiconductore optical devices
2003 - 2013
Professor : Graduate School of Science, Chiba University
Laser spectroscopy of quantum states in semiconductors
April-1 2013
Founded Spectra Quest Lab, Inc. President/CEO